IdentiFlight to Protect Avian Wildlife from Turbine Collisions at Masdar Wind Farm in Uzbekistan
shelley vierra shelley vierra

IdentiFlight to Protect Avian Wildlife from Turbine Collisions at Masdar Wind Farm in Uzbekistan

IdentiFlight® is pleased to announce that the IdentiFlight avian detection technology will be utilized throughout a wind farm development in Zarafshan, Uzbekistan. The 500-megawatt wind project will be Uzbekistan’s first utility-scale wind farm and the largest renewables project in Central Asia. IdentiFlight will provide 74 units for coverage for the entire wind farm, protecting 12 avian species, including species of endangered Old World vultures

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Can A.I. Stop Rare Eagles Flying into Wind Turbines in Germany?
Breighton Bardezbanian Breighton Bardezbanian

Can A.I. Stop Rare Eagles Flying into Wind Turbines in Germany?

“IdentiFlight spent three years testing its anti-collision systems at six supervised sites across Germany, and says its neural network boasts rates of more than 90% for recognizing and classifying red kites, the first birds of prey it has been trained in for German territories.”

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Bird Protection System In Operation At Wind Farm In Tasmania
Breighton Bardezbanian Breighton Bardezbanian

Bird Protection System In Operation At Wind Farm In Tasmania

The Cattlehill Windfarm in Tasmania’s central highlands is trialing a way to mitigate the impacts on the endangered Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle. Using [IdentiFlight], eagles are detected, their flight path analyzed, and turbines in their way are shut down.

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Duke Energy Uses IdentiFlight System to Detect Birds and Prevent Collisions with Wind Turbines
Breighton Bardezbanian Breighton Bardezbanian

Duke Energy Uses IdentiFlight System to Detect Birds and Prevent Collisions with Wind Turbines

IdentiFlight is a network of camera units that watch for bald and golden eagles. When a camera detects an approaching object, the system, using machine learning and artificial intelligence, determines if it’s an eagle within seconds. IdentiFlight will track the eagle and stop nearby turbines from spinning if the bird gets too close.

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